HAPPY JUNE! Don't worry kids, only a few more weeks till school is out!
Sorry I really felt the need to say that. Moving on.
So, apparently this has been know for like the longest time now and I clearly have not been with the program, but Harper Lee wrote "Go Set A Watchman" a sequel to her acclaimed "To Kill a Mockingbird" and its getting released in 15 days. WHAT?!?!?!?! SINCE WHEN?!?!?!?!
I even texted my aunt, who used to write professionally, and her response was as follows:
"Where have you been? That was big news like forever ago!!"
Well anyway, for anyone who has not read TKMB, if there is anyone out there who hasn't, I highly suggest you read it. I am one of the rare cases who did not read it in school so I read it on my free time in 8th grade and I absolutely fell in love with the story. It was serious but had such an innocence to it and the style Harper Lee wrote it with really flowed.
Atticus Finch was always a literary hero to me in my opinion. I always tried to vision what he would look like in my head when I was younger, that was until I saw the film....
And then that was it. Could anyone other then Gregory Peck have pulled off Atticus Finch? (the answer is no). He did such an awesome job portraying the troubled lawyer trying to fight for what he knows it right.
But see, part of me really doesn't want to read this novel "Go Set a Watchman" and I'l tell you why. I don't really wanna ruin the memory of young Scout and her childhood that I have of when I read Mockingbird. I don't really know how Lee will expand on this story or what the main plot is going to be about.
Well anyway, I just felt like that was news that, apparently our whole entire society but I, already knows about but I would just die without telling you. Thank you for listening anyway fellow reader.
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