Hello! I am writing from my new home for the next 4 months. Yes, i have finally arrived in my new apartment that I will be staying at while I am working at Google. To put it lightly,
It's fucking awesome. You will have to excuse my language, I have class I promise, but this place is seriously a beaut.
But first, I would like you to know that I started my day off right. Yes my friends, I went to Starbucks. Its funny really, before I came to college I was a Starbucks hater. Really, I thought it was too strong. I was always more of a Dunkin kind of guy. But two friends got me hooked on it and I have adjusted myself to the taste and its not terrible. I still enjoy Dunkin occasionally, but I am now more a Starbucks kind of guy.
The drink i get almost all the time? Iced Toffee Nut Latte. No Whip. Size: Venti.
Just in case anyone cared. You probably don't, but I don't care that you don't care. so ha.
Here are some photos of the apartment!!
I know, like I said before, its amazing. It feels like a vacation home. It is definitely more then my roommate and I need and we are so stoked to live here.
Yes, of course I brought some movies along! These are just some, I didn't bring my whole collection.
The Mets game is on a little later and I decided to make some good ol' guacamole to munch on as we are watching the game.
Here's the run-down and how to:
Avocados, man. I love avocados. They are creamy and delicious and amazing and perfect and beautiful and everything that's good in life. For guacamole you need Haas Avocados. They are the ugly black ones that are grown in southern California. They make a much better guac then the bright lime green avocados. Don't use those. ever. like for real, ever in your whole entire life. Promise? Okay good.
But seriously don't use them. Moving On!
You will need to cut them in half and remove the pits. Cutting them this way makes it easy to scoop out the flesh.
With a spoon, scoop out the flesh into a bowl big enough to mash everything together in.
Next you need lime juice. You can always use lemons, but i find that limes go better with guacamole. I juiced 3 which was just enough. 1 lime doesn't produce that much juice. So go ahead and juice the limes and add the juice right in the bowl.
And then grab your trusty potato masher. These things are the best tool I find when mashing up avocados. They leave great texture.
Then go ahead and mash em! Notice the end result here, They got mashed pretty well but still have chunks (ew, my least favorite word) of avocados. I like my guacamole with great texture. I'm not looking for a puree. Keep it course.
And here's the rest of the stuff your gonna need! Red Onion, Jalapeno, Garlic, Cilantro, and Hot Sauce
I chopped up only half the onion. Too much will over power the guacamole. I chopped it pretty fine too, you don't want to be munching down big pieces of onion.
in fact, If I was President of the United States, I would make it my personal goal to make sure that every single kitchen in the world has a garlic press. That is all.

Jalapenos add great flavor and heat but you have to be so very careful when dealing with them. They contain capsaicin, a chemical compound that is found in chili peppers that produces a burning sensation in anything that comes in contact with it. So watch out!
Capsaicin lives within the seeds and ribs of the pepper and contains the majority of the heat. So your gonna wanna remove them unless the guacamole will be wayyyyy too spicy!!!
okay so now before you do ANYTHING, WASH. YOUR. HANDS.
Trust me wash them really well. Do the whole soap, warm water, a-b-c's song thingy. You do not wanna touch your eyes or face until your hands are washed really well.
Now its time to chop up some cilantro. I do a pretty coarse chop with this because i like the texture and the look.
When I went to the store out here I could not find my hot sauce of choice, Tabasco. So I just grabbed this stuff. It tasted fine though. I usually thrown in about 8-12 dashes. Depending on how I feel, today I felt pretty brave so I added 12 dashes.
Mix that all together and throw in a teaspoon of salt or two and there you go! All you need is a bag of chips and a game to watch. which is exactly what I am about to do!
Enjoy Fellow Reader.
Until next time, remember, only use Haas avocados. and garlic presses, long live garlic presses.
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